Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Resolution

In response to Lowell's request I have decided to take up the game of golf in 2017. 

It is what is expected of retired guys and so I engaged Thomas R. Jorndt former Athletic Director and golf team coach at Oakton College to teach me.

After our first lesson at the driving range Tom suggested that I practice at home.  He taught me to keep my eye on the ball.
 Tom also taught me to let the club do the work and to keep my arms straight when I make contact.

 Perhaps I shouldn't have tried this between my house and my neighbor's.  Or maybe I'll use a Wiffle ball next time.

We'll be keeping you posted through the year as to the progress of my game.


  1. Practice, practice, practice. It is the only sport where the worse you are the more practice you get.

  2. Please never ask me to join you. You must remember the last time the two of us spent time at a golf park or bowl or field or whatever it is....
